International cooperation
Ecolabelling Denmark cooperates internationally with the development of the Nordic Swan Ecolabel and the EU-Ecolabel.

Ecolabelling Denmark is responsible for the Nordic Swan Ecolabel and the EU Ecolabel in Denmark and cooperates with stakeholders from all over the world to ensure that the labels stand strong internationally.
International cooperation on the Nordic Swan Ecolabel
The Nordic Swan Ecolabel was established by the Nordic Council of Ministers in 1989 with the aim of creating an official, Nordic and holistic ecolabel that consumers and buyers can trust.
The Nordic cooperation on the Nordic Swan Ecolabel is undertaken by the organisation Nordic Swan Ecolabelling, consisting of the Ecolabelling organisations in all the Nordic countries: Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland .
Ecolabelling Denmark and the other organisations in Nordic Ecolabelling follow development closely and actively engage in dialogue with the authorities – both nationally and at EU level – on setting out future regulations. This is to ensure that the Nordic Swan Ecolabel requirements are in accordance with as well as at the forefront of legislation. The EU taxonomy requirements have e.g. been incorporated into the new Nordic Swan Ecolabel requirements for investment funds – just as the new Nordic Swan Ecolabel requirements for textiles are in line with the EU textile strategy.
The Nordic Swan Ecolabel also follows the development of the new ecodesign regulation and will continuously work to be relevant in relation to the upcoming ecodesign requirements.
The Nordic Swan Ecolabel is a recognised Type-I ecolabel and can be used as documentation of requirements for Type-I ecolabelling internationally.
European cooperation on the EU Ecolabel
Ecolabelling Denmark cooperates with the European Commission and the other EU member states on the development of the EU Ecolabel.
The EU Ecolabel is a recognised Type-I ecolabel and can be used as documentation of requirements for Type-I ecolabelling internationally.
Members of international network
The Nordic Swan Ecolabel and the EU Ecolabel are Type-I ecolabels and both are members of the international network “Global Ecolabelling Network (GEN)”, which is the leading network for Type-I ecolabels.